Corvallis High School
1400 NW Buchanan Avenue, Corvallis, OR 97330
Principal: Matt Boring
Our Future Contacts:
New Info Coming Soon!
Social Media:
Please use the contact form at bottom of page.
Brief history of how our school, and its students, have addressed environmental, climate, racial justice and/or social justice work
Our club focuses on environmental and climate work. This involves starting a school garden, maintaining the school, and working with the forestry and environmental sciences classes on curriculum. There is a compost system in place, and plans for fruit trees to be added to the garden.
We make sustainable communities through youth involvement.
Club goals, priorities and interests (that are aligned with Our Future)
- Enhance our waste reduction practices (e.g. composting, paper use, recycling, beverage containers, reusable utensils in the cafeteria).
- Reducing the ecological footprint that our community has.
- Finding/promoting sustainable practices.
- Counteracting climate change.
Main Student Contacts
New Info Coming Soon!
(To contact the team, please use the contact form at bottom of page.)
PTO Contacts
Coming Soon
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Oregon Green Schools Corner
Stay tuned for Oregon Green School certification progress!