Articles: Taking Action at Your School

Welcome – Taking Action At Your School

What's it about? The "Taking Action At Your School" blog category is for high school students involved in an existing club, or starting or a new one. The information in this category helps develop the structure, roles and details that can help you maintain your club...

Getting Started Guide

Most clubs will benefit from having a permanent adult advisor. This can be a teacher, school counselor, administrator…

Strengthening Your Existing Club

Assessing Where You Are Do you have an existing club at your school that is floundering a bit due to low membership (because of club member graduations or other challenges)? Did your school have a club in previous years that you want to re-start? Your first step is to...

From Active to Supernova! Vitalize Your Club

Do you have an active green team at your school? Do you have a school club that focuses on environmental and social justice issues and activism? In the spirit of “thinking globally, and acting locally” the most successful and impactful clubs will incorporate elements of both of these…